Conceptual Model


For the description of dates, we used the International Standard for the representation of dates and times ISO 8601 specified by the W3Consortium. We decided to include only the year, month and day and not to go further in details as this was enough for representing our items. The formats we used were: YYYY, YYYY-MM, YYYY-MM-DD (Y=year, M=month, D=day). To include this information in the XML file we used the EAC-CPF attribute for Date standardDate, which accepts the aforementioned formats. ISAAR (CPF) was used for giving information about date and people, such as for identifying people involved in an event occuring on the date. The EAD ontology was widely used for providing information about events occurring on the date. We decided to take into consideration the degree of certainty of the date, since given the historical period, the domain of interest and the kinds of resources, we cannot always count on an absolute certain date. For this purpose, we reused the EAD attribute “certainty”. We included the meaning of the date’s relation with a resource, agent and event. This information was provided through the use of the CDWA category “data qualifier”. These reusals allowed us to match our approach to dates with the general approach of our ontology “Plucky”, in the attempt to provide an interlinked and consistent framework.

Question Subject Predicate subclass Predicate is based on eac-cpf or CDWALITE equivalent
What type of entity? plucky:entity plucky:is_entity_type ISAAR: [5.1.1 Type of entity] EAC-CPF:entityType
In which format is the date expressed? plucky:entity plucky:data_format EAC-CPF: date standardDate
Which is the degree of certainty of the date? plucky:entity plucky:has_certainty_degree EAD:date certainty
What is the date's relation with a resource? plucky:entity plucky:has_resource_relation
--- What is the type of relation with the resource? plucky:relation_type EAC-CPF: resourceRelationType
--- What is the resource related? plucky:relation_resource DCTERMS:relation
--- What does that relation mean? plucky:relation_meaning CDWA:[4.2.3 Date Qualifier] CDWALITE:dateQualifier
--- When did this relation start? plucky:relation_start DC:date
--- Which is the date of creation of the archival resource? plucky:resource_archiving_date EAD:<date> or *CDWA [25.5. Cataloging Date]
--- Which is the date of the last update of its status? plucky:update_date CDWA: [15.4. Latest Date] CDWALITE:latestDate
What is the date's relation with an agent? plucky:entity plucky:has_agent_relation
--- What is the type of relation with the agent? plucky:relation_type ISAAR: [5.3.2 Category of relationship] EAC-CPF:cpfRelation cpfRelationType="[value]"
--- What is the person/corporate body related? plucky:relation_agent ISAAR: [5.3.1 Name/Identifier of the related corporate body, person or family] EAC-CPF:cpfRelation
--- What does that relation mean? plucky:relation_meaning CDWA:[4.2.3 Date Qualifier] CDWALITE:dateQualifier
---What were their life roles on that date? plucky:has_life_role ISAAR: [5.2.5 Functions, occupations and activities]: write the function etc. EAC-CPF:function
What is the date's relation to an event? plucky:entity plucky:has_event_relation
--- What is the related event? plucky:related_event EAD:<event>
--- What are other versions of the name of the event? plucky:has_other_name ISAAR: [5.1.5 Other forms of name]: report the other names again in the form of the authority record EAC-CPF:<nameEntry> or <nameEntryParallel> with <alternativeForm>
--- What does that relation mean? plucky:relation_meaning CDWA:[4.2.3 Date Qualifier] Data Qualifier: CDWALITE:dateQualifier
--- Where? plucky:event_place EAD:<place>
Which resources refer to the same date? plucky:entity plucky:sameAs OWL:sameAs
Which resource has the date as primary topic? plucky:entity plucky:isPrimaryTopicOf FOAF:isPrimaryTopicOf