Conceptual Model


The conceptual model for place aims at depicting specifications related to places. Plucky’s description of places is inspired by GeoName ontology (GN) and Basic Geo (WGS84 lat/long) Vocabulary. These ontologies and vocabularies allowed for detailed description of places, from country location to longitude and latitude, even to population size. Additionally, the GeoNames ontology allows for the inclusion of a link to a location map as well as the place’s wikipedia article. Given our project's interest in circumnavigation and thus places, these features were extremely valuable.

Question Subject Predicate Predicate is based on
What type of entity? plucky:entity plucky:is_entity_type RDF:type
What is the name of the place? plucky:entity plucky:place_name GN:name
What is an alternative name of the place? plucky:entity plucky:alt_name GN:alternativeName
In which country is it located? plucky:entity plucky:in_country GN:countryCode
What is the latitude? plucky:entity plucky: latitude WGS84_POS:lat
What is the longitude? plucky:entity plucky: longitude WGS84_POS:long
What is the map location? plucky:entity plucky:map_location GN:locationMap
What is the wikipedia article location? plucky:entity plucky:wiki_article GN:wikipediaArticle
What is the population of the place? plucky:entity plucky:population GN:population
Which resources refer to the same place? plucky:entity plucky:sameAs OWL:sameAs
Which resource has the place as primary topic? plucky:entity plucky:isPrimaryTopicOf FOAF:isPrimaryTopicOf